I am Assistant Professor of History at Washington & Jefferson College in Washington, PA. I am particularly interested in the interactions of war, the military, and American culture from the Vietnam War era to the present.
I have published widely on the legacy of the U.S. war in Vietnam and the cultural history of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Recently, I completed the manuscript of The Human Mind Was Not Made For War: Mental Health, the Military, and U.S. Culture During the Iraq & Afghanistan Wars, which will be published by New York University Press. This book, which draws upon interviews with nearly 50 high-ranking Army officials and thousands of pages of documents released through Freedom of Information Act requests, tells the story of the Army's and the VA's efforts to address the mental health issues that the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars produced, as well as how activists, politicians, and citizens seized upon mental health issues as a primary avenue to critique the wars.
I regularly teach courses on topics related to twentieth-century America, War & Society, public memory, and African-American history and culture, as well as the capstone course for W&J's American Studies concentration.