Click the links below to read some of the places where my work as the Hallock Chair has been profiled or where I have been quoted in local or national reporting on military history.
Columbus State University, “Hallock endowment, new faculty appointment position Columbus State as a military studies destination,” February 7, 2023.
Articles about the “The Iraq War: A 20-Year Retrospective,” co-hosted with the National Infantry Museum on March 10-11, 2023.
Chuck Williams, “Sunday Conversation: CSU’s Dr. David Kieran talks about upcoming Iraq War symposium at National Infantry Museum,” WRBL, March 5, 2023.
Jason Dennis, “MILITARY MATTERS: CSU History Professor Previews Iraq War 20th Anniversary Event at Infantry Museum,” WTVM, March 9, 2023.
Columbus State University, “20 years later: military, academic experts to assemble in March to cement Iraq War’s lasting legacy,” January 12, 2023.
Chuck Williams, “National Infantry Museum, Columbus State hosts Iraq War symposium this week,” WRBL, March 6, 2023.
Articles about the renaming of Fort Benning and the dedication of Fort Moore, May 11, 2023.
Chuck Williams, “A Columbus State military historian weighs in on the imminent change of Fort Benning to Fort Moore,” WRBL, May 4, 2023.
Chuck Williams, “Thursday was a long and significant day as Fort Benning became Fort Moore; Here’s one reporter’s look back,”WRBL, May 13, 2023.
Other recent articles:
Britta Lokting, “How the US Military’s Fertility Policies Are Leaving Women to Suffer,” The Nation, May 18, 2023.
Clint Van Winkle, “Mission Accomplished? The Iraq War 20 years later,” Jerusalem Post, May 1, 2023.
“David Kieran, Columbus State University,” Military Historians Are People, Too! Season 3, Episode 12, April 6, 2023.